Saturday, 19 May 2018

Rose Posy Cake Toppers

This sweet little posy will adorn an six inch 'additional' cake, which will form part of the wedding cake table. There will be two of them, one for the fondant free cake, and one for the gluten free cake.  

I needed this 'tall' but 'narrow' to give these little cakes some presence at the cake table next to, what will surely be a monumental wedding cake.

It has been made using the same roses that are in the large, glass dome under the main cake as well as the roses used in the mini glass dome on the right fruit cake, this way, they all tie in together.  The bride and groom wanted to 'glitz' on this cake, but these little toppers were a bit understated without the silver centre piece, I think they're amazing!

These were made by my fabulous cake topper maker, the same one that made the Floral Cake Topper for the Wedding Cake back in June 2017. She's not keen on public credit, so I won't be adding her name here. I will keep that for the day of the wedding when I give the 'Mother of the Groom Speech.'

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